2018 ISAF Fall Meeting

2018 Fall Conference (flyer)
September 27-28 Four Points by Sheraton West Lafayette, Indiana

Forest Management for Birds
Day 1 - September 27
10:00AM Executive Committee Meeting
12:00PM Registration
1:00PM Greeting
1:15PM Forest Management for Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock
Heather Shaw, Biologist, Ruffed Grouse Society
2:00PM Forest Management for Wild Turkey
Ryan Boyer, Biologist, National Wild Turkey Federation
2:45PM Break
3:00PM SAF Awards
3:30PM Why Foresters need to talk about songbirds AND manage for them
Allen Pursell, Director of Forest Conservation, The Nature Conservancy
4:15PM The need for forest management
Jody Shimp, Coordinator, Let The Sun Shine In!
5:00PM Adjourn
5:15PM Business Meeting
6:00PM Supper
7:00PM Social Time and Forester's Fund Activities
Day 2 - September 28
7:00AM Breakfast
8:30AM Songbirds of the Central Hardwoods
Jeff Riegel, Purdue University
9:15AM Forest Management Techniques for Birds
Laura Kearns, Wildlife Biologist, Ohio DNR, Division of Fish & Wildlife
10:00AM Break
10:15AM Cost Share Programs for Birds
Brian Kruse, State Forester, Natural Resource Conservation Service
11:00AM Migratory Songbird Response to Invasive Species Removal - Stephanie Beilke, Conservation Science Associate, Audubon Great Lakes
11:45AM Adjourn

Conference Facility: Four Points by Sheraton West Lafayette, 1600 Cumberland Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Continuing Education: This workshop will be assigned contact hours for continuing education credits.

Four Points by Sheraton West Lafayette 1600 Cumberland Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Room Reservations:

Registration: Pre-registration is required in order to plan meals and breaks. Please complete and return the registration form on this flyer by September 12, 2018 to the address indicated. Registration pays for part of the total cost of breaks, meals, transportation and speakers.

Online registration and payment link (PayPal)
Fill out the registration form and send with payment to Dale Weigel, 143 The Woods, Bedford, IN 47421. Make checks payable to Indiana Society of American Foresters.

Select Registration Option
SAF or CF member number
Name if not the same as on CC